Monday, December 6, 2010

Silverado Ss 2009 Forsale

Gennaro Casillo on Radio DgVoice

06:12:10 Rome - "Our goal is to first change people's consciences and to increase awareness of environmental issues. To combat this modern world based on the "God of Money" and "consumerism". Unless we change ourselves first we can hardly change the world "says Gennaro Casillo Vice-President of the National Front Verde Independent Ecologists , speaking Sunday night on Radio DgVoice. Casillo, after having explained what is the Green Front, also spoke of vivisection "The magnitude of this sad phenomenon is wider than you think, companies that fund vivisection in the thousands, all over the world, we must be be alert and inform, not buying some products we would give a big shout to these homes. Calculate the houses that finance the deal vivisection all : colored pencils, toothpaste, glue, perfume, shampoo, ice cream, soft drinks, airlines, pet food, etc.. is very easy to find these brands in the supermarket stores. The September 9 has been shown that vivisection will go on, even to rise even more animals vivisection, this date is certainly a shame for all of Europe Civil "concludes Casillo.


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