Vincent Galicia
The Winter Solstice falls between 21 and 22 December, this This coincides with the shortest day year and the longest night. The Sun is at the nadir, the lowest point of which touches on the horizon compared to the parallel local. From that day his power begins to grow, to be reborn and to this ancient peoples celebrated the return of the child of promise. Christmas is the Christian version of the rebirth of the sun, according to the tradition established at 25 December by Pope Julius I (337 -352) for the dual purpose of celebrating the birth of Christ as the "Sun of Justice" and create an alternative celebration to the most popular pagan festival. The ancient peoples have always celebrated the Solstice, as Saturnalia of ancient Rome, Alban Arthan (the Light of Arthur) Druid tradition, or Yule in Germanic, and others in the traditions of the peoples of the northern hemisphere. The Saturnalia rooted in archaic rites of renewal associated with the winter solstice, when the old sun died to be reborn Sun Boy, and Saturn was the god who presided over the advent of the birth of Sol Invictus , meaning the sun is not in the sense naturalistic, but the essence and manifestation of God the Creator and giver of life. It would be overly simplistic and demeaning to consider the Saturnalia holiday simply more or less happy and licenses, as well as some Christian tradition has contributed to believe. The Saturnalia in fact, express a deep religious thought the essence of which dates back to the mists of time on that night of which advocated a return, illuminated by the light of a Divine Child . To enter in the actual spiritual nature of the Saturnalia go up the current time up to the legendary origins of Rome, when the myths are intertwined with those of another epic city, that is Troy. In Rome, took place December 17 to 23, as established by the Emperor Domitian. Alban Arthuan, is in the Druid tradition at a time when we open ourselves to the forces of inspiration and conception. Everything around us is dark. Our only guide is Arcturus, the Great Bear, the North Star. In the silence of the night the inspiration. Both the festivals that feature are located in the north, the kingdom of death and mid-winter. The heart of the ceremony is the conclusion of the ritual mourning for the death of light, divine or abstract in any form is perceived. The year that he approached the end with the arrival of winter, bringing with them the chaos of darkness and uncertainty, is now being left behind. The miracle of birth has stopped the slide into the darkness: the flow was reversed. The Germanic Yule or Farlas , is both the feast of death, transformation and rebirth. The Dark King the Old Sun dies and turns into the Sun Child that is reborn from the womb of the Goddess: at dawn the Great Mother Earth gives birth to the Sun God . The sacred plant of the Winter Solstice is the mistletoe, tree of life because its white, translucent berries resemble the male sperm. Mistletoe, sacred plant of the Druids, was considered a plant down from the sky, daughter of the lightning, and then divine emanation.
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