05:01:11 Rome - From January 1, entered into force a decree that prohibits the use of plastic bags in shops and supermarkets. "The measure does not take into account a factor: the costs high of biodegradable bags. We speak of course of tens of cents (10 to 20) but living expenses are borne not just pockets of families , "says Gennaro Casillo Vice-President of the National Front Green Ecologists Independent continues his speech: "As it happens some time now, especially in retail, the bag has a cost to the consumer but, while the plastic bags the figures ranged from penny to five (in some cases were even free) for envelopes biological climb of 100% or more. Retailers offer different solutions: there are those who begin to charge the envelope and who ritoccherà prices. To suffer, as always, are just consumers during the "double movement" of the bags I prefer cheaper plastic. We propose that the green border there is an incentive to reuse the bag, so we offer an eco-incentive "for retailers on biodegradable bags, which would make the new rule more acceptable to consumers and the passage of the bag completely painless. Even so it can achieve sustainable development, "concludes the report of Casillo.
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