Friday, January 28, 2011

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Waste Campania, Vincenzo Galicia: "operation of clarity and truth," Ruby

Rome 28.01.11 - N eggs investigation conducted by prosecutors in Naples on the management of waste crisis in Campania, "f inIVA spilled into the sea leachate treatment plants in Campania" + the central hypothesis of this attorney. The military core of the tax police of the Guardia di Finanza police of Naples and Noe have today executed 14 arrests. Went home to among others, the prefect Corrado Catenacci, a former special commissioner for the waste emergency, the director of civil protection Marta Di Gennaro, deputy commissioner for management of waste during the first Bertolaso \u200b\u200b, and the director of the Ministry environment Gianfranco Mascazzini . Order for custody in prison for the manager of the company Hidrogest Gaetano De Bari and the architect Claudio De Biasio . Also investigated the former governor Antonio Bassolino , former councilor environment Luigi Nocera and the former head of the secretariat of Bassolino Gianfranco Nappi . Vincent spoke on Galicia National President of the Green Ecologists Independent Front who said: "I'm sixteen years that Naples and the Campania waste crisis, the situation became untenable, and that shows lack of will by both the political spectrum to address and resolve this longstanding problem. Need a break policy for the good of Campania and its citizens. This new investigation casts further shadow on those who manage the overall situation treatment plants in the region and the suspicion that non-purified material was downloaded directly along the coast of Campania, which can lead to an environmental disaster of the coasts. Now you need an act of clarity and truth that pierces the veil of lies and intrigues that rotate on the waste and malfeasance field to protect the environment over the health and dignity of citizens, "concludes the note of Galicia.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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Case, Front Green: "Berlusconi resigns , think of the good of Italy "

Rome 19:01:11 - The Milan prosecutor's office has investigated Silvio Berlusconi for elements of an offense of "extortion" and "child prostitution". Vincent spoke on Galicia National President of the Green Ecologists Independent Front who said: "Ruby's case, requires the President of the Council not to escape to a clarification needs to be done in court, to" free "he is embarrassed that Italians. It would be better than Berlusconi to resign, as Italy now needs a government capable of governing, which can solve the problems of citizens and not just think about the problems of the Premier "concludes the report of Galicia.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Afghanistan, Italian soldier died. Green Front: "Enough with this war," Alemanno

18:01:11 Rome - The 33-year Corporal 8th Regiment Alpini Luca Sanna , died in a s against fire in Afghanistan, in Balamurghab area. Was injured in the clash also Corporal, 8th always Luca Barisonzi , whose conditions are serious. "I express on behalf of myself and the movement I represent, the deepest condolences to the family of the Italian fell to the ground in Afghanistan" - says Vincent Galicia National President Green Front of Independent Ecologists that continues his speech - "This continues to produce endless war dead and wounded Italians, a blood continues to be spilled for a war that is not ours and is more interminable. We ask, once again, the withdrawal of our troops, no longer committed to a mission in time of peace but in a real war, "concludes the report of Galicia.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

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Friday, January 14, 2011

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Junta, Green Front, "a cabinet reshuffle which admits the affair"

14:01:11 Rome - After the scandal "parentopoli 'n da Alemanno the axes to the City of Rome, spoke about Vincent National President of Galicia Front Verde Independent Ecologists who said: "A reshuffle useless, but this was only about how to admit responsibility policies on the scandals that have characterized the junta Capitoline. A reshuffle, aimed to lock himself in a PDL can not govern the city, but only to put on the door of the few discordant voices and thinking, as happened against the former Head of Culture Umberto Croppi , ousted without any reason than most not to be part of the PDL, "concludes the report of Galicia.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

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Befana, an old tradition

Rome 06:01:11 - The roots of the Epiphany, date back to the traditions of the Celtic peoples, established throughout the Po Valley and parts of the Alps The Celts celebrated the rites (officiated by magician-priests called Druids) during which large puppets Wicker were burned to honor the divine mysteries. Divinity too benign, although - as stated by some sources - which in ancient times within the sacrificial victims were tied puppets, animals, and sometimes prisoners of war. La Befana is a female figure tied to Mother Nature and pagan agrarian traditions regarding the start of the year. The look of old is the last year, ready to be burned and then "reborn" as the new year. Attractive hypothesis is that connecting the Epiphany with a Roman festival, which took place earlier this year in honor of Janus and Strenia (hence the term "gift") and during which they exchanged gifts. In fact, the pagan ritual of the twelve nights after Christmas (ie after the winter solstice) was related to fantastic female figures who flew on the newly sown fields to propitiate the future crops. Until the Twelfth Night after Christmas (January 6) is celebrating the death and rebirth of Nature. The ancient Romans believed that the twelve women to drive was Diana, the lunar goddess of vegetation, while others, a mysterious deity called Satia (Latin satiaetas, satiety) or Abundo (from Abundantia). Later, the Church condemned with the utmost rigor such beliefs, calling them the result of satanic influences. Such duplication gave rise to many different embodiments that erupted in the Middle Ages, in our current Epiphany. Old and ugly now because it is the nature strips then reborn is the image of the now worn out that the new port and then vanishes. His ugly appearance, representation of all the past penalties, plays an apotropaic to become a sacrificial figure, and then to burn. Before you die, however, the old woman went to distribute gifts and sweets to all, in order to plant the seeds for the next year. The word Epiphany comes from the greek "Epifaneia" (Event lighting), which refers to the first manifestation of Jesus Christ to the three kings, twelve days after his birth. In the Byzantine Rite of the Eastern Christians epiphany remained closer to its original meaning, that of Jesus' baptism in the Jordan. While Western Christians, the celebration now recalls only the coming of the Magi, or even the presentation of Jesus to the Gentiles.

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Plastic bags goodbye? Green Front, "Eco-incentives for retailers," From January 1

05:01:11 Rome - From January 1, entered into force a decree that prohibits the use of plastic bags in shops and supermarkets. "The measure does not take into account a factor: the costs high of biodegradable bags. We speak of course of tens of cents (10 to 20) but living expenses are borne not just pockets of families , "says Gennaro Casillo Vice-President of the National Front Green Ecologists Independent continues his speech: "As it happens some time now, especially in retail, the bag has a cost to the consumer but, while the plastic bags the figures ranged from penny to five (in some cases were even free) for envelopes biological climb of 100% or more. Retailers offer different solutions: there are those who begin to charge the envelope and who ritoccherà prices. To suffer, as always, are just consumers during the "double movement" of the bags I prefer cheaper plastic. We propose that the green border there is an incentive to reuse the bag, so we offer an eco-incentive "for retailers on biodegradable bags, which would make the new rule more acceptable to consumers and the passage of the bag completely painless. Even so it can achieve sustainable development, "concludes the report of Casillo.