Thursday, January 29, 2009

How To Fix Ptosis In Adults No Surgery


This time I want to talk to Bianca, a sweet, tender, discrete guest at our shelter, will have at least 10 years and has always been at the shelter .. Someone will be brought
to think that now is his home ...
NO! Not so.
Recently, White has thrown down a lot the other day did not get up from the platform, where he used to stand, even for 10 minutes of walk, it was awful seeing her like that!
Today was brought to the vet and the thing that surprised the volunteer who was working on was the joy that White has shown in coming from the kennel!
was going to lead happy, curious ... 10 years of kennels are too many and she really wants to know the world!
We are now awaiting the analysis, in the meantime, White will have to eat light food, a bit to lose weight ', as that is definitely overweight.
Meanwhile, we try ... you never know!

WHITE unfortunately passed away. More info in the comments.
cagnolona Farewell sweet silent ...


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