Monday, February 28, 2011

Ceramic Vs Gold Curling Iron

Libya, Green Front," revoke the Treaty "

Rome 28.02.11 - "The Italian government should immediately suspend and revoke the treaty of friendship with Libya, which continues to tie Italy to a bloody dictator like Qaddafi "Vincent said in a statement Galicia President of the National Front Green Ecologists Independent continues "the Berlusconi government must stop pretending that nothing happened in Libya, Italy can not and should not rhyme connected friend of the Premier, a dictator who for over forty years after chased the Italians who worked and lived for decades in Libya continues to be an enemy of his people, democracy and human rights "the statement concludes Vincent Galicia.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Super Mugen Wars Descargar

Unity of Italy, on March 17 will be a celebration. Vincenzo Galicia: "the crowds no League" Green Front

19:02:11 Rome - The Council of Ministers has finally decided that March 17, the anniversary of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, will be a national holiday. But the government is fighting, two ministers Lega Nord (Bossi and Calderoli) voted against Maroni and leave the hall of the Council before the vote. "Dear Calderoli, wild is the behavior and not the League's decision in favor of the party for March 17 " Vincent said in a statement Galicia National President of Independent Ecologists Front Green continues his speech, "sad to see that even on such fundamental issues, which should unite the nation, because they involve the life of every Italian, but this government is divided. If we do from there bearer of love of country must think a comedian, although very good, as Benigni, gives us the perception of how politics and especially the government majority, living outside of reality, to be more concentrated or antiberlusconiana Berlusconi, who as a priority to have the benefit of the Italians, "concluded the note by Vincenzo Galician leader of the environmental movement.

Friday, February 18, 2011

English To Hawaiian Translation Sentences

adheres 2011 edition of "M'illumino less

18:02:11 Rome - " Like every year we in the Green Ecologists Independent Front joined the initiative to save energy" M'illumino less "launched the radio broadcast of RAI "Caterpillar". This year, seventh edition, we will also celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. Today, starting at 18, in all locations in Italy, the lights go out and "light up" the tricolor. The idea is to sign a "pledge" to reduce consumption and support alternative energy "says Vincenzo Galicia National President of the environmental movement.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bmi Dangerously Too Low

Adoption Single, Vincent Galicia: "think of the children's sake"

15:02:11 Rome - The Supreme Court in a ruling filed on Feb. 14, calling on Parliament to open a debate on the rules of adoption, for a possible change in the law also favor of the so-called single saw that the time would be "mature" and not go against the Convention signed in Strasbourg on children in 1967. This decision comes following the case of a single mom who has requested, in fact, legitimizing the adoption of the child who has taken several years ago. In the U.S. the adoption has been declared effective by the Court of Columbia while here in Italy only in his words "special." Spoke on Vincenzo Galicia National Chairman Independent Front Green Ecologists who said: "If the ruling of the Supreme Court in particular we support the confirmation of adoption, given that for many years the child lives a serene and happy life with her adoptive mother. We are opposed to the Green Front of an amended law, that allows gay singles and couples, being able to adopt children. Conversely for adults who are consenting to the adoption, even by gay singles and couples, we have nothing to argue "the statement concludes Vincent Galicia.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Opening Prayer Sample Seminar

Terracina, Green Front, "resignation of the administration block Nardi"

Terracina 10:02:11 - " E 'finally arrived at the magistrate put an end to one of the saddest chapters in Terracina Administration Nardi. A refuse collection service given without competition, with a company defaulting and considerably high costs, while in the city, people are used to rotate among heaps of garbage, without the collection ever game "says Gennaro Casillo Vice National Front Verde Independent Ecologists continues his speech: " The situation is even more dramatic when one considers that politics has always staunchly defended this system inefficient, more attentive to the dynamics of the various boards of directors to ensure that public health service worthy of the name. We support the Green Front of other local associations that for years denouncing this situation. Judiciary to ask you to go deeply into the question, identifying criminal responsibility, but nobody can think that the policy is free of serious responsibility. The public partner has never controlled the private, there has never been an interest in enforcing the contract, effectively support the tricks of enrichment on the skin of people forced to live in an unhealthy environment. We ask that the City Council makes the only possible gesture, to resign en bloc and as soon as possible "concludes the report of Casillo.