Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sudden Onset Red Palms

School Project "Knowing the dog"

In February, our association has met in two days some classes - primary and secondary - the Comprehensive Forum Novum of Torri in Sabina in the province of Rieti, including the school of Bishops, a branch of Stimigliano and primary school flint.

The meetings were intended to introduce children to the main features of the dog, starting from its origins, from the domestication by man occurred more than 12,000 years ago, right up to the present day, illustrating how a dog communicates with others and with the man, what are the signs of calm and peace (licking his nose, yawning, turning his eyes, etc.. ) and what processes used to perform in situations of fear or danger (tail between your legs, sit down, low head and ears, etc..) and, in case of aggression (teeth bared, growling, hair straight, tense posture forward, staring, etc...)

All this to make sure that the boys could have a better idea on what to do or not do in the presence of the dog (no running, no screaming, do not touch his toys, his bowl, etc.). To prevent unpleasant incidents and avoid the bite.

addition, the meetings were intended to raise awareness of the "little public" on topics they are not familiar, like the phenomenon of stray dogs, the importance of sterilization and cleaning parks.

The meetings went well, the children were attentive and almost always participates in class.
The children of primary school have also made some drawings of their dogs and this was a starting point for further dialogue to see if they had problems with dogs at home and if so what, so give them information and advice on how to deal with what we've done more than once.

In a historic moment as delicate as what we are experiencing, we are faced on one side, a series of horrific accidents in the home they see at home dogs attack their owners for no apparent reason (but then there's always a reason, even if the media more interested in demonizing the dog rather than exonerate), the other the emergence of numerous animal welfare organizations designed to put a stop to a series of ill-treatment of animals that has lasted for years and sees lager in shelters the main sources of income of a corrupt system that tends to make profit from other politicians and unscrupulous scum on the skin of the poor dogs that often end up buried in mass graves hiding.

In this climate of terror to the people and dogs to the true horror of human cruelty, we felt compelled to do something that touched people's hearts to the root, and what better way to explain that to children - adults tomorrow - that dogs are friends of man for millennia, irrefutable sign of a strong and unbreakable friendship?

Many thanks to the teachers of the schools that have joined the initiative and of course the principal; also thank my friend Mauro Leoncini, without which this project could not have taken shape.

We hope to be able to repeat as soon as possible, perhaps with the support of the institutions, create a program that would result in schools that minimum of five culture phile needed to learn more about the dog, an animal that has been with us for 12,000 years, if not more, and whose company is a necessity for us now inherent in our genes.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Ho Scale Sonic Drive In


Monday, February 16, 2009

Oovoo Doesnt Recognize Camera


On 30 May 2008, my dog \u200b\u200bdied, Muny. Since then, I'm looking on!

I felt all the kennels of the area and beyond, put ads on all sites and found that flyers for the entire province and beyond. Now the public here in the hope of a sighting. Thank you all!

ask for help. I ask for help not to lose hope. A dog is lost, an unhappy dog. Shall be treated for heartworm (it is a disease of the heart) and suffers from food allergies (to eat a particular food, or else it is dermatitis and itchy all over!) Muny (actually Moony), this is his name, has moved away from home on 30/04/2008 and has since disappeared. E 'was seen, stopped, pampered ... but nobody has bothered .... neither he nor that somewhere there was a boss who desperately looking for him ...

Not only is my dog, but my dream come true, please help me to get him back home to me, her mistress that the infinitely loves, his family, human and furry (his adoptive brother Macchia and our cats), from those who would do anything for him to find him.

Muny has a microchip, just a vet, or alert the police, they all have the machine to read it. We can all be traced to Italy.

Please, help us. Muny is part of our family. It 's a piece of my heart. With all

I want my strength, I must find him.

I will not rest, but not until I know where I can have, as it is, if he is happy, if those who deal with him ... I am not inclined to believe that Muny, an Alaskan Malamute Young, so big , big and beautiful, but dirty and malnourished, have gone unnoticed everywhere. I am not inclined to believe that anyone they meet on their way, we can not be asked if he was a master.

There is a reward for those who can find it. How much is a dream for you? Stabilitelo in cash and will be that the figure will give you if you find yourself, because Muny was my dream come true and I would do embrace him once for all, not just because it was my dog \u200b\u200band I wanted a world of good, but because it was really my dream come true, something incredible come true!


now on 16/02/2009, has 1 year and 8 months.

Microchip No: 985120031055294-correttammente registered in the

Missing Tavullia on the evening of 30/04/2008.

can now trespassing inUmbria, Tuscany, Romagna and prov. Ancona.

white and gray / black (which on the face from the mask looks like a Husky)

Punta of tail.

Brown eyes.

Height: about 50cm at the shoulder.

Weight: 30 kg.

has moved away from home (Tavullia-Pesaro / Urbino) on the evening of 30/04/2008, was wearing a white collar and is microchipped A pesticide SX NECK.

When you greet it seems that growls or grumble, but it's just his way of talking! It 's very sociable, very good, it can be approached and pampered by everyone, people or animals, so we think someone may have "collected". Gets closer to homes where there are dogs or cats (he likes to chase them but not doing anything, has grown with our Micie 2).

May 1 was supposed to start treatment against filaria (heart disease), also suffer from food allergies, if you do not eat a special food he is rash and terrible itching all over all the time! Please we are desperate above all his mistresses and his playmate Macchia.

E 'was seen between the end of May and the beginning of June near Urbino!

could have done a lot of street dogs they walk a lot, now may have intruded into neighboring regions! EMILIA ROMAGNA / UMBRIA / TUSCANY.

I appeal to those who may have seen him in the garden, home to some of the leash that, maybe not seeing tattoo or collar, may have thought that it had been abandoned. I implore you. Please anyone who had information or had seen him to contact us at 329 0704799.

OFFRESI generous reward to those who find it again.

Thank you very much.

Valentina Galli

329 0704799

Mistress, indeed, life companion of Muny

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cartoon Maxine And Good Health


He is Stephen, a little like volpinetto about 9 months, sz small (approximately 12 kg), cheerful, sociable, affectionate! He, like too many dogs abandoned in front of a kennel without scruples. After the moment of loss, however, Stephen has decided to respond! He wants to find a home at all costs! Is always attached to the network, ready to be seen! E 'for the heart wrenching to see him cry all day when we pass in front of his box. This dog is wonderful!

She is Violetta, a sweet vulpine like a little less than a year, sz small (approximately 12 kg), cheerful and loving, a great dog! She too, like many others, abandoned in front of a kennel without scruples. He even had the good fortune to be adopted after a short time, but sometimes your luck turns in misfortune if the adoption is made by superficial people, who put the welfare of the dog's whims. So purple is back in the kennel. Its sweetness and vivacity attracted immediate attention. His need for human contact is sometimes disarming. Can not remain in the shelter, it is not right. His life must go on a family who can love her and she can give all his affection!
Entambi verrenno assigned against a signature card and a willingness to take pre-and post-foster care:
alessia 3383697322

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What Can I Put On A Brizillian

A "muzzle in the snow" is the Special Jury Prize

In this special edition "Christmas", the award for photo "Friends Forum" was awarded the Special Jury Prize at the pictures "muzzle in the snow" by Katie V. that tells us something personally of this beautiful animal, which is not a wolf as it might seem at first sight, but a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog immersed in what is his favorite element: snow!

"I present to you Manny.
this dog belongs to the breed of dog Czechoslovakian Wolf.
E 'born between selection of the German Shepherd and the Wolf in the Caucasus.
I should note that even if it looks like the Wolf, and many remember her movements is still a dog.
A dog with a strong character but not a sensitive soul.
The Czechoslovakian Wolf Dog (CLC) is an animal that needs a lot of socializing with other dogs especially if different from the kind of membership. He needs to meet different people from those of the household, needs to grow along with its companion Bipede.
Keep in mind that if left alone for several hours during the girona become difficult to govern a dog because you feel as a follower and not a good leader to follow.
The Master is ideal for this dog is the one who wants to grow with him ... and play endless hours, even in the snow, an element that transforms him into a Two Smoking Barrels, much to run in races endless ...
The photo was taken at Cima Colletta south of the province of Pavia. "
Katia Verza