Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Images


E ' photo competition held on the third "Friends Forum" which is open to all those who are enrolled in the Fifth World Forum ( http://www.quintomondo.forumfree.net/ ) or - if they are from other forum Circuit forumfree - have participated in at least a discussion. The competition will deal with the animals and in particular the photographs must comply with the theme "Christmas on all fours." All photos will be posted in the forum, in the section devoted to competitions, except those that are deemed offensive to the dignity or the health of animals. The ban expires on 27.12.2008 and among all photos received will be deemed submitted ten best pre-selected by a jury. The authors of the ten finalist photos will be told in advance by e-mail. Then you can vote for the winning photo in a survey that will be opened on the Fifth World Forum in which all members can vote on the board. The survey will remain open for 15 days.

The author of the winning photo will win a T-shirt and calendar of the Fifth World and photos will be published in the Fifth World blog in January.
Each participant can submit up to three photos, which should be directed by email to: danielepicciuti-quintomondo@yahoo.it or: qmvolontari@gmail.com
The size of the photos sent must not be greater than 1 Mb. For each photo should be specified in the author's name, your nickname on the forum and the title of the photo. Photos sent without this information will not be accepted. Participation is free!